Technology is meant to work FOR human beings, not the other way around.
Let’s take charge and show them who the boss is!


  • Dr. Nidhi Gupta is a physician and award-winning researcher. She has authored over 100 research articles, book chapters and essays.
  • Her most recent research articles include ‘Pitfalls in the use of mobile wireless devices in healthcare: Distraction, errors, procrastination, and burnout ’and ‘Impact of Smartphone Overuse on Health and Well-Being: Review and Recommendations for Life-Technology Balance’.
  • Dr. Gupta has appeared on numerous podcasts, lectured at academic medical centers, and spoken at parent education sessions and community wellness events.

Episode 39

The surprising link between food addiction and smartphone addiction

Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson

Creating bright lines around sugar, flour, ultra processed foods and other addictive behaviors has the potential for immense transformation.

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Episode 38

A Pediatrician’s guide to raising healthy, kind kids in a screen saturated world

Dr. Michael Rich

It is key for parents to Model, Mentor, and Monitor their kid's online life, so that they can Master the nuances of the internet and Make Memories.

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Episode 37

The secrets of digitally minimalistic lifestyle

Jose Briones

Switching to a flip phone will not assure digital deaddiction. Changing lifestyle will.

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Episode 36

Superpower of resilience in this crazy uncertain world

Jane Woods

Resilience is finding the courage to live true to yourself, and not to live by the expectations of others.

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Episode 35

How can I help my family and myself become tech-intentional?

Emily Cherkin

Later is better. Less is more. Relationships first.

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Episode 34

What will your reason for switching to plant-based be? Prevent heart disease, lower cancer risk, climate change, save water, better skin?

Dotsie Bausch

Eating plant-based can save money, save the planet, and add years to your life.

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Episode 33

Parents, for the sake of your kids, put down your phone

Heath Wilson

If a child doesn't get the connection with their parent due to the parent's screens, they will look for a connection elsewhere.

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Episode 32

How to develop the power to give and receive gentleness?

Helen Prosper

Gentleness is human being's hidden super power. When combined with a pure, kind touch, it can save lives.

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Episode 31

From digital marketing pioneer to media ecology researcher

Bob Hutchins

Social media has changed our sense ratio and affected our psychology.

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Episode 30

Digital product development: What goes on behind the scenes? Is the consumer’s well being weighed in?

Ivana Ciric

Taking care of our own digital wellbeing makes us more empathetic towards the user for whom we develop a product.

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Episode 29

Three (3) concepts to bring nature indoors and why

Johanne Morin

Infusing natural elements into our spaces reduces stress by 60%, improves focus and boosts creativity.

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Episode 28

How to have it all but not all at once?

Mohana Rajakumar

Follow your curiosity. Passion might change over time.

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Episode 27

Wellness: A trend that is here to stay?

Sonal Uberoi

Customers are looking for a hyper personalized solution to their wellbeing problem, and rightfully so.

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Episode 26

Parenting challenge for the new generation: Technology

Forest Bronzan

A significant learning curve needs to be navigated by children, parents, and schools to ensure that we thrive with technology.

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Episode 25

Basics of growth: Self-discipline, Proactiveness, and Human relationships

Tarun Garg

Letting go of prejudice, scanning your environment, being adaptive, and developing your colleagues nurtures not only your growth, but uplifts your company and its mission.

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Episode 24

Narcissism vs. Proper use of social media

Anya Pechko

Social media has led to the elimination of human biological rhythms and contributed to the crisis of loneliness and depression.

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Episode 23

Digital wellbeing is much more than screen time.

Dr Anastasia Dedyukhina

The pandemic of burnout needs to be tackled with digital literacy.

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Episode 22

Are you one step ahead of success?

Amit Lahoti

The 3 Ps of planning your success: Prioritize, plan, and pace.

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Episode 21

How will the new Al frontier affect your work and family?

Claudia Erickson

Communicating about AI, ethics, morals, and preserving humanness will be key as we navigate these untested waters.

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Episode 20

I save physicians; one career at a time

Charlene Dewey

Physicians' deep conditioning to give, care, and heal others might not allow them to feel the need to be cared for and heal themselves.

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Episode 19

Spiritual aspect of disease: Combining dharma + data

Monikah Ogando

Cognitive intelligence takes you to the top. Natural intelligence keeps you there

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Episode 18

Is it possible to escape the online world?

Eric Bourgault

When a person checks-in at a hotel and the first thing they ask for is the Wifi password, they are already checked-out!

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Episode 17

Are you feeling Burnout or midcareer crisis or midlife awareness?

Hala Sabry

Take the time to own our success, scale your life to be as big as your career, and build your legacy.

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Episode 16

How do you monetize your passion?

Maxwell Bentley

I had a camera that I got for Christmas, a gaming PC, and this belief that I could create something that would create revenue.

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Episode 15

Nurturing self-esteem and autonomy in children in the digital age

Liz Naik

Children do not have books these days. They are immersed in digital technology everywhere. They need to become resilient and be able to say No to things they see online.

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Episode 14

The Stigma of "what did you do to get diabetes?

Caitlin Grenier

Diagnosis of diabetes is not a death sentence. You can still live a fulfilling, empowering, and exciting life, whatever you choose that to be.

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Episode 13

Digital detox snacking after diabetes!

Colin D. Corby

Digital Detox ‘snack’, is a regular 5-to-10-minute break from screen use as a way to restore balance and to invest in your physical and mental health.

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Episode 12

How to become the leader that everyone loves reporting to?

Ana Smith

A leader who is good at self-development would be great at developing others.

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Episode 11

Where has the grit gone?

Christine Robinson

A person may have very slight symptoms of ADHD and then they discover screens or video games. This might push them off the charts in their ability to function and be successful.

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Episode 10

Sleep is king and nutrition is queen! Put them together and you have got a kingdom!

Wendi A. Irlbeck

You can have all the healthy foods prepared, but if you haven’t had 6-7 hours of sleep, your brain will bypass the healthy food and lead you to the high-calorie, high-sugar foods.

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Episode 9

Evolution of the middle school student in the Last 4 years: The good and the worrisome

Rhonda Sillesky

Motivation, sustained attention, reading and writing proficiency and communication skills are down; boredom and loneliness are up.

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Episode 8

What is your greatest gift to humanity?

Saurel Quettan

The enemy is not me, you, he/she, them/we. The enemy is my own unwillingness to acknowledge and create space for my humanity, and the humanity of others.

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Episode 7

What are the possibilities when you crush fear?

Rhea W. Kinnard

Rhea Kinnard shares ways to overcome fear and live your best lives....TODAY!!

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Episode 6

Are we as a culture addicted to pleasure?

Tara Heaton

Whatever your habits are, don't shame yourself. There is science and chemistry at play in your body. Get help and find a mentor.

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Episode 5

What kind of conversations did ReConnect Nashville Inspire for You?

Nidhi Gupta

Relive the experience of ReConnect Nashville, hear back from the attendees and cherish the memories!

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Episode 4

ReConnect Nashville: A different kind of conversation

Nidhi Gupta

Let's find out who might want to attend ReConnect Nashville!

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Episode 3

How having a leadership coach elevates your personal and professional capacity to grow?

Giovanni Gonzalez

Break out of the box and learn to love the life you live.

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Episode 2

Why not me?

Kristin Petrony

I am small, but that doesn't mean I am not strong. I am a women, but that doesn't mean I don't have opinions. I am a mother, but that doesn't mean I don't have my own goals.

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Episode 1

3 Tricks to use devices as tools, not as distractions

Nidhi Gupta

Ready to take control of your life? Do you wish you had just a bit more time in your day?

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